Feature Stories for Link

posted by / February 23, 2024

Very excited to share our latest transcreation work for Link’s Channel 823, which includes two feature stories close to our hearts. As butterfly enthusiasts, it was a pleasure to support and, hopefully, enhance these meaningful initiatives to provide urban sanctuaries for migrating butterflies as well as involve the community. Working on these stories, and many others for various clients, reminds us of the positive butterfly effects that can be created by caring for nature, linking communities, and lifting people up. We’re honored to help spread the wings of such worthwhile endeavors.

Read the full stories at the links below.

Do Butterflies Need Butterfly Gardens, or Do We?

The Joys and Sorrows, Trials and Triumphs of Butterfly Guardians

Link-Butterfly Garden

Happy Chinese New Year 2024

posted by / February 10, 2024

May healthful fortunes pile high for you and your loved ones in the year of the dragon.

CNY eCard 2024

Cyberport Annual Report 2022/23

posted by / January 3, 2024

Hong Kong Genome Institute Annual Report 2022-23

posted by / December 8, 2023

Advertorial for HKUST

posted by / May 10, 2023

We were invited to develop an advertorial for the HKUST, highlighting their incredible success at the International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva. We’re proud to have played a role in showcasing their achievements to a wider audience, and demonstrating their commitment to fostering a robust ecosystem for innovation, entrepreneurship, and knowledge transfer.

Read the full article here


Website for Kaifong Tour

posted by / April 3, 2023

It was a pleasure working with the Kaifong Tour team to create a website documenting their Zen in Sham Shui Po activity.

Built with: Divi

Cover Story for GeoXpert for Hong Kong Engineer

posted by / March 20, 2023

We had the pleasure of interviewing Mr Kevin Chan, co-founder of GeoXpert, and writing a cover story for the magazine Hong Kong Engineer about his company’s smart construction technology.

Read the full story by clicking here.

Wishing everyone an exceptional 2023

posted by / January 1, 2023

Cyberport’s Message for the 2023 Official Guide to Communications in Hong Kong

posted by / December 28, 2022

We were asked to develop a congratulatory message for Cyberport for the 2023 Official Guide to Communications in Hong Kong, with the year’s theme being the metaverse.

During research for the project, we were able to delve deeply into the metaverse, and we were blown away by the scope and possibilities that the metaverse and Web3 present. We’re looking forward to writing more about both topics in the days and years to come.

The Metaverse presents profound new ways for people to communicate, interact, and engage with the world. It exhibits the potential to revolutionise everything from finance, business, education, architecture, art, sports, entertainment – to so much more.

Even though the metaverse is just starting to take shape, its vast potential has already attracted much attention globally, from the public, engineers, and developers to business leaders, investors, and governments. New business models and strategies are being developed, as well as technologies, standards, policies, and regulations—all with the metaverse in mind. The metaverse is simply a
new frontier that must not be overlooked.

Click here to read the entire message in both English and Chinese.

Hong Kong Genome Institute Annual Report 2021-22

posted by / December 20, 2022

A thoroughly eye-opening and meaningful project.

Copywriting for Co-op@CUHK

posted by / May 18, 2022

What a privilege it is to be a part of CUHK’s brand-new cooperative education programme (Co-op@CUHK). We assisted in the creation of content for the brochure, as well as press releases, social media posts, and other publicity materials for the groundbreaking programme.

Click on the image below to read the employers’ brochure.

Cover of Co-op@CUHK's employer's brochure

Merry Christmas 2021

posted by / December 25, 2021

Wishing you and yours a wonderful 2022 filled with heartwarming adventures and rejuvenating discoveries!

Mascot Design for SARDA

posted by / October 5, 2021
Mascots for SARDA
Mascots for SARDA

Meet the mascots we developed for SARDA, the Society for the Aid and Rehabilitation of Drug Abusers.

We have the honour of creating this pair of characters for SARDA to help them promote their values, mission, and message to their stakeholders and service targets.

SARDA has been serving people suffering with drug addiction in Hong Kong and setting them on the path of rehabilitation, redemption, and rebirth for 60 years. Story after story of those who have received SARDA’s care illuminate the many roles that the NGO has played—sometimes a companion, sometimes a supporter, other times an advisor, a friend, or even a family member. It is always meeting those they serve where they are to offer the most suitable and needed care.

All of this inspired us to create Eggy and Felice. Eggy is a former drug abuser who is determined to break out of its shell to hatch a new life. The “crack” in its head is both an indication of this process, as well as a scar reminding Eggy of a darker past. Its large head carries a lot of self-doubt and uncertainty about the future, resulting in Eggy’s somewhat clumsy movements.

Felice is a phoenix, a symbol of eternal rebirth, who is always by Eggy’s side. Felice is constantly guiding Eggy towards regaining confidence, hope, and a positive, independent life, as represented by those resolute eyes, bright colors, and wings that denote freedom.

Given SARDA’s diverse audience, our idea is to create characters that can be versatile representatives that can facilitate the NGO’s communication and augment their work. Eggy and Felice, along with their stories, are our way of bringing that to life.

Website Copywriting for ATrademark.com

posted by / September 1, 2021

We were again entrusted by trademark attorneys to develop the English and Chinese copy for an online trademark registration website. It was our second time working with this client to perform website copywriting.

Our goals were to present the ease and simplicity of the service and introduce the streamlined, jargon-free registration process to users with a conversational language.


Register Your Trade mark in Three Easy Steps:

Services for Your Needs

Select the service package that best suits your needs. If the trade mark is straight-forward and ready to go, look no further than our BASIC PACKAGE. If you want to know if any similar marks have already been registered and want to consult with our trade mark attorney on your registration, our “COMPREHENSIVE PACKAGE” is what you should look for.

Details About Your Trade mark

Our custom-designed, automated form will guide you through the entire process in simple, clutter-free language. Simply answer a few questions about your trade mark and provide the details.

We’ll Handle the Rest

Our trade mark attorneys will take over and sort out all the nitty-gritty of your registration, from ensuring registration availability, filing the paperwork to completing the entire process on your behalf.


三個簡單步驟 輕鬆註冊您的商標






當您完成網上商標註冊申請表格後,我們的商標事務律師將接手處理您的商標註冊相關的所有細節 – 從確保您的商標註冊的可行性、提交文件,到代表您完成整個註冊過程,我們都會一手包辦。

Website copywriting for Atrademark.com – Landing Page
Website copywriting for Atrademark.com – About Us
Website copywriting for Atrademark.com – Services Page

Education Copywriting for CUHK MBA Brochure

posted by / August 13, 2021

Very pleased to help the CUHK Business School develop and edit the content of its full-time and part-time MBA brochures.

Read the full versions:

Subtitles Translation for MuseFest HK 2020

posted by / January 21, 2021

A captivating experience of subtitles translation throughout. The project offered us an opportunity to revisit some little-known Hong Kong history and research art conservation topics, while translating subtitles for MuseFest HK 2020.

If you have 26 minutes to catch up on some Hong Kong history, check this video out:

The first half of the talk is about five historical figures who visited Hong Kong – Nicholas II, Hirohito, Edward VIII, Chaplin, and George Bernard Shaw. The second half goes over Hong Kong’s toy making past, including the Cabbage Patch Kids.

If you are interested in poster creation, listen to two designers sharing their creations and works that they love (hint: lots of Japanese posters):

And, if you would like to learn about glass or painting conservation, here are two short videos:

Glass conservation:

Painting conservation:

Merry Christmas!

posted by / December 24, 2020

May your new year of the coo be filled with indomitable hope, health, and positivity.

Feature story – An uplifting account of a student pursuing social business in a pluralistic world

posted by / October 22, 2020

Our third feature story for the CUHK Business School.

Again, an excellent experience that allowed us to develop uplifting content about inspiring individuals and emerging business models.

Read on to see how Joshua found his calling for social businesses, and how he is taking advantage of his business education to prepare himself for a mission- and meaning-driven career.

Stay tuned for our next feature story or check out previous ones for extra doses of positivity.

Screencap of the article on the CUHK Business School website.

Pursuing Social Business in a Pluralistic World

As the world coalesces around a new normal, business leaders are increasingly expected to lead through change with empathy, sensitivity to diversity and social responsibility. Joshua Chiu (BBA in Global Business Studies, Year 4) is ready for this constantly evolving world. He has been delving deep in diverse and multicultural settings to hone his business acumen, cultural fluency and entrepreneurial mindset.

Joshua is part of a growing coterie of elite students to have enrolled in the Global Business Studies (GBS) programme of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Business School. “I picked GBS for my major as it is one of the finest business courses in Hong Kong. Its curriculum is well-structured and internationally oriented; and there is ample support for students to explore different career paths,” said Joshua.

Building Cultural Fluency and Business Agility

Each student of GBS spends at least two semesters overseas, one at the University of North Carolina’s UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School and another at the Copenhagen Business School. This multicultural experience offered Joshua actionable and invaluable insights into not just foreign cultures, but also international cooperation.

“The programme’s tri-continental learning experience enables students to gain the necessary skills that help them succeed in this increasingly globalised and pluralistic world.”

Joshua Chiu

Joshua recalled most fondly his experience working with students from different academic and cultural backgrounds. For one such project, he had to work with students from the US, the UK and Denmark. He described the experience as a “style clash”, as every participant held different approaches to tackling the same issue. “It was only after we learnt to understand each other’s perspectives that we were able to create a holistic solution together. It was a fantastic experience! I have developed lifelong friendships and bonded with students from different countries.”

During his enriching exchanges in Denmark, Joshua was also acquainted with what having an entrepreneurial mindset and leading during uncertain times entails. He participated in a month-long coursework modelled on a case competition, where he was required to work with students from various institutions and devise a business proposal for a Danish e-commerce company. “My teammates and I knew very little about the industry and had a steep learning curve. We managed to pull it off through hard work and perseverance, and it was very rewarding indeed.”

Enriching His Business Skillset and Entrepreneurial Mind

As a business student, Joshua is relentless in his pursuit of business knowledge and excellence. For example, he joined the Hong Kong Shared Good Values Competition to devise solutions for social enterprises to share good values. Interning at KPMG China, he challenged himself to develop advanced accounting skills within a short period of time. Even during the pandemic, he signed up for an internship at a conglomerate and is learning coding in his spare time. He considered the broad exposure useful to help him appreciate and understand different sectors, companies and the business world better.

“CUHK Business School prompts us to continue learning even outside of the classroom, to learn and grow all the time because that is what leads you to success.”

Joshua Chiu

Joshua is also highly accomplished academically. He received the Kunkle and Pommerenke Scholarship in recognition of his academic excellence and leadership abilities. In addition to emerging as a champion at CUHK Academic Cup, he is a student ambassador of the Undergraduate Office of CUHK Business School.

He attributes this pursuit of knowledge and experience to the growth mindset that CUHK instils in students. “CUHK Business School encourages students to not only acquire hard-core textbook knowledge, but also develop the soft skills needed for the business world. Additionally, the school prompts us to continue learning even outside of the classroom, to learn and grow all the time because that is what leads you to success.”

Inspired by the Power of Empathy and Social Responsibility

Even though Joshua is a business major, it is social businesses and mission-driven organisations that he finds himself gravitating towards. In 2018, he undertook his first internship at Teach for Hong Kong, a non-profit organisation founded by a GBS alumnus Arnold Chan in 2015. It was a rare choice for a business student as most students tend to opt for major commercial enterprises for their first internship. “You can always intern at large companies and for-profit organisations. I wanted to explore how social enterprises or social businesses work. I was intrigued by this mission-driven organisation and how it promoted educational equity and growth-making communities.”

“I wanted to explore how social enterprises or social businesses work. I was intrigued by this mission-driven organisation and how it promoted educational equity and growth-making communities.”

Joshua Chiu

However, it was not until he joined a service trip to Cambodia in 2018 that Joshua was most profoundly touched by the indelible impact of social purpose. That winter, he volunteered at Cambodia Youth Action Global Education Center to teach children English as well as to help build their school. “It was a life-changing experience for me. Despite being the children’s tutor, I felt I was the one who was empowered. Learning English was a precious experience for the children. They were exhilarated by the lessons and cherished every opportunity to practice this international language. I was deeply inspired by the power of education, and plan to explore more about social enterprises and social responsibility.”

Soul Searching and Forging Ahead

Joshua now intends to first pursue his master’s degree after graduation and then gain further experience in the financial sector. Down the line, he hopes to combine his interests and strengths into a career of his own.

“During the past few months, I spent a lot of time figuring out what I want to do over the next five to 10 years. I have decided that my ultimate goal is to utilise my business acumen, business skills and global perspectives to promote community development. I want to help our community achieve not only financial well-being, but also social bonding.”

Feature Story Transcreation – HKSTP CEO Mr Albert Wong

posted by / September 13, 2020

It is always a pleasure writing for and about innovation and technology.

We were invited by the CUHK Business School to transcreate a feature article of HKSTP CEO Mr Albert Wong.

The original writer used Mr Wong’s love of running as a thread to connect the story, so we also weaved the theme of running throughout our transcreation.

Read our transcreation here and the original Chinese article here.

Feature story of a high-flying student

posted by / August 3, 2020

Our second feature story! It’s always a privilege to learn and write about the inspiring figures among us, tell their stories, and channel their positivity. As we conceived the metaphors to connect the story, we even got to learn a good deal about acappella and music. Another highly satisfying project.

Read the original article on the CUHK Business School website.

Our first feature story of another impressive CUHK Business School student can be found here.

Feature story of a high-flying student

Embracing the Music of Business and Life

When Samson Huang (BBA in Professional Accountancy, Year 3 student) sings in a choir, he knows exactly which pitch to use to harmonise with the group and deliver a transcendent performance. He is now learning to sing the rhapsodies of business, and to develop his unique pitch and voice for his part in the shifting world.

Learning the Tunes of Business

Guided by a lifelong interest in business, Samson chose the Professional Accountancy (PACC) programme at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Business School as his gateway into the business world. “Many people think that accounting deals only with numbers and simple calculations. In reality, accounting is the common language of the business world. It enables you to interpret and understand the rationale behind each number and formulate financial plans and strategic decisions.”

Samson understands that academic knowledge is only half of the equation. Business also involves working, communicating and collaborating with people. He found CUHK’s “Comprehensive University” setting and college system fabulous in helping him hone his soft skills. “CUHK’s all-round education celebrates diversity and instils a global mindset in students. We are encouraged to keep an open mind and respect other perspectives. This prepares us to take on today’s world, in which meeting, listening and working with people from all walks of life and nationalities is key.”

Appreciating the Timbres of the World

To explore the vast realm of business and to find his place, Samson has taken on six internships and a myriad of extracurricular activities. He purposefully chose different industries to gain the widest exposure: he worked in retail, traditional finance and FinTech. He exchanged at IE University in Spain and, when that was cut short by COVID-19, swiftly took on an equity research internship. I wanted to see the real business world and how I can utilise my academic knowledge in different business settings to formulate new ideas.”

“In these turbulent times, you need a broad set of knowledge and skills to innovate, improvise and succeed. CUHK’s all-round education is preparing me for this environment, not only in knowledge but also in mindset and soft skills.” ──Samson Huang

In addition to working for established businesses, Samson tried his hand at forging his own ventures. He won the championship at UBS Group Chief Operating Officer Case Study Challenge 2019 and claimed the Best Airport Application Award at Cathay Pacific 24-Hour Hackathon in 2018. During the Hackathon, he attempted to come up with a solution to enhance the airline’s operational efficiency and to provide a better customer experience for travellers, all within 24 hours and with a team formed on site.

Samson also joined the student-led Hong Kong Federation of Business Students (HKFBS) as Internal Vice President. At HKFBS, Samson co-founded JUMPSTARTER IdeaPOP! Startup Pitching Competition, a student entrepreneurship competition under the JUMPSTARTER competition organised by the Alibaba Entrepreneurs Fund. “We offered ideas on what university students were looking for and organised the logistics, marketing and promotion of the competition. I was even the emcee of the finale event. It was an incredible experience.”

Creating Music out of Distinctive Voices

Through it all, Samson has learnt that communication and collaboration are indispensable to success in business. He sees a parallel with his work as the tenor of the all-boys O’blue Acappella. For unaccompanied vocal music to entrance listeners, each performer has to contribute his voice, in different pitches, to create a divine harmony.

This coincides with Samson’s motto: to serve and to lead. “We have to serve others before we can lead. From my internships and collaboration with business leaders, I discovered that leaders are differentiated by how they manage themselves and how their conduct influences the people they lead. I often remind myself to have the right attitude and to perform well to influence and lead others.”

“We have to serve others before we can lead. I often remind myself to have the right attitude and to perform well to influence and lead others.” ──Samson Huang

Singing In Harmony with the Next 10 Years

Samson is now undertaking another internship at the Corporate Bank division of Deutsche Bank. The decision was inspired by his mentor during the CUHK Mentorship Programme. Samson is finding the experience rewarding and believes it will offer him greater clarity on which career path to pursue.

“It is very important to step out of your comfort zone and try new things when you are young,” Samson said. “These experiences help you identify your strengths and career interests. They let you communicate with people from all walks of life and learn to respect others. Most importantly, they shape you as a person, enhance your agility and resilience to the new normal, and enable you to stand out in today’s competitive world.”

Samson plans to use the next 10 years to lay the foundation for his career and to hone his capabilities. Then, he hopes to consolidate his knowledge and industry insights, set up his own business and pursue financial innovation.

‘In the Hearth of the Heart a Kindling Spark’

Is he worried about the Future of Work as an accountant? “Technology will be able to replace a very small part of the accounting industry, but in areas that require human intelligence, such as managing the financial goals and plans of a company, those will still require accountants.” Samson believes that technologies like AI and machine learning can be tools to help accountants focus on flexing their soft skills and generating new ideas.

“Every one of us is a spark waiting to grow ablaze and to light up the world. Once we learn to harness the power of our true selves, we can change the world for the better, no matter the challenges.” ──Samson Huang

Samson’s confidence for the future was inspired by the lyrics of the song Soul Light by Kim André Arnesen. “The words ‘In the hearth of the heart a kindling spark’ have deeply influenced me. Every one of us is a spark waiting to grow ablaze and to light up the world. Once we learn to harness the power of our true selves, we can change the world for the better, no matter the challenges.”

By offering himself to new experiences and possibilities, by attuning to the melodies of life and business, by bringing passion, motivation and the right attitude to everything he does, Samson is primed to take on the future. He is ready to contribute his voice to the music of business.

Feature story of a Kazakh student who exemplifies youthful positivity

posted by / June 3, 2020

Our first feature story! Even though we didn’t conduct the interview, we were fascinated by Anna’s youthful positivity through the interview’s audio recording. Hope her story inspires you as much as it inspired us. Enjoy!

Read the original article on the CUHK Business School website.

(We have since written another feature story of another high-flying student, which you can read here.)

Feature story of a Kazakh student at CUHK
Feature story of a Kazakh student at CUHK

Revelling in new adventures, embracing novel experiences, and living life with unyielding optimism are the hallmarks of youth, and Anna Ni (BBA in Hotel and Tourism Management, Year 4) has embodied these qualities par excellence as she experiments, moulds and builds a future of her own.

Anna Ni was one of the first three Kazakh students to join The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) in 2016. Now a year 4 student majoring in Hotel and Tourism Management (HMG) at CUHK Business School, Anna has already completed an impressive four internships and two overseas exchanges – in five countries. Along the way, she picked up a few scholarships and made it to the Dean’s List. “If I can learn something and grow professionally,” Anna said, “I would rather do that than waste time.”

If I can learn something and grow professionally, I would rather do that than waste time. — Anna Ni

From Kazakhstan to Hong Kong: Coincidence or Destiny?

Despite having heard about Hong Kong from her dad’s business travels and yearning to visit for years, Anna had not considered coming for university. It was not until her dad’s chance encounter with a traveller and hearing that person heap praises on CUHK that she began looking into the prospects of studying in Hong Kong. “Some may call it a fortunate coincidence; I call it destiny.”

Upon learning more about the university and Hong Kong, Anna was instantly intrigued by the opportunities for international students. Additionally, she was captivated by the diverse multicultural student body of CUHK, which she envisioned would offer her ample opportunities to learn and grow as a person.

Driven by a lifelong fervour for people interaction, customer service and cultural exploration, Anna picked HMG as her major. She found CUHK Business School, with its ample networking opportunities, study abroad programmes and internship placements, to be an apt place to give wings to her dreams and aspirations.

Initially, however, it took Anna a while to adjust to the new surroundings. “To be honest, the first couple of months were pretty challenging. Not going to lie. Because the culture in Hong Kong is very different from home. It’s a lot more diverse and a lot more fast-paced and competitive. It took some adjusting.”

Because the culture in Hong Kong is very different from home. It’s a lot more diverse and a lot more fast-paced and competitive. It took some adjusting. — Anna Ni

Learning Hospitality from the World Over

Anna’s eagerness to gain maximum exposure to hospitality was met by CUHK Business School’s globalised learning approach. She savours the international perspectives offered by the professors and draws inspiration from teachers who walk the talk of hospitality. Anna was especially awestruck by Ms. Gentiana Cheung, Professional Consultant of the School of Hotel and Tourism Management and Programme Director of BBA in Hospitality and Real Estate Programme (HRE), formerly named as BBA in Hotel and Tourism Management Programme. “She was the first person I met from CUHK, and her friendly attitude, her smile and her positivity continually inspire me of what professional hospitality should be about. I was motivated to get into the School because of her. I consider her to be my mentor.”

Seeking to hone her skills and enrich her cultural exposure outside of the classroom, Anna took up four internships in Hong Kong, Kazakhstan and the US, and went on two overseas exchanges in Thailand and Australia. Her responsibilities included managing the hotel front desks, serving at restaurants, organising MICE events and even working at a BMW dealership. She considers these experiences crucial for anyone who wants to work in the globalised hospitality field.

These hands-on experiences not only help you apply what you learn in class, it makes it easier for you to model theoretical concepts to real-world situations and better understand what the professors talk about. My vision is to take as many opportunities to learn and to practice. — Anna Ni

Internships aside, Anna joined the Asia-Pacific Hospitality Management Programme (APHMP), an exclusive three-way exchange partnership between CUHK, The University of Queensland in Australia (UQ), and The Mahidol University International College (MUIC) in Thailand. She wanted to observe and learn the business practices in both Eastern and Western cultural settings and to enhance her interpersonal skills by interacting with people from diverse backgrounds.

Exposure Blended with Experimentation Offers a Warehouse of Possibilities

Anna’s latest internship also uncovered her passion for events organising and media marketing. Since returning to Kazakhstan earlier this year after the coronavirus outbreak, Anna has been working remotely for Informa Markets, a leading organiser of B2B events that operates in Hong Kong and across the world. She was tantalised by the prospects of a career in hospitality centred around events organising, which she finds immensely rewarding. Anna now plans to work in the events industry for a few years after graduation. She wants to explore the field and gain more experience before determining the way forward, including what to pursue for her master’s degree.

Perhaps the seeds of Anna’s love for events were sown prior to that internship. Upon finding a general lack of awareness about Central Asian cultures and countries in Hong Kong, Anna teamed up with other international students from Central Asia to take part in the CUHK’s Islamic Cultural Festival in 2016. They set up a stall to exhibit journals, souvenirs, national flags, food and indigenous music to give visitors a taste of Central Asian cultures.

“The success of that event prompted us to go one step further. In 2018, we organised a cultural event in March to celebrate Nowruz, the Persian New Year. More than a hundred people came to our event and we successfully spread the awareness of Central Asian cultures. The event has even become a recurring affair every March since.”

No one is ever going to just give you opportunities or teach you unless you want to learn. That’s why I choose to be proactive. I want to take matters in my own hands. — Anna Ni

“Winners Don’t Quit and Quitters Don’t Win”

With her refreshing youthful optimism, Anna credits her maxim of life with a quote from Napoleon Hill, the author of a book Think and Grow Rich.

“Napoleon Hill said: ‘A quitter never wins, and a winner never quits.’ The quote highlights how you should not let obstacles or challenges in life break you or define you. If you fall, stand up and keep going. You can always find a point to grow.”

Anna learned the importance of proactivity from her first internship. “No one is ever going to just give you opportunities or teach you unless you want to learn. That’s why I choose to be proactive. I want to take matters in my own hands.”

Anna said studying at CUHK Business School has helped her grow as a person. She learned to set the right priorities to get more out of life, study and work. She also learned to adopt a positive attitude to cope with stress and competition. “I’m very appreciative of CUHK to give us such opportunities to learn and travel and to be the best versions of ourselves.”

Website Management – HKMPS

posted by / February 3, 2020

We recently revamped the website of patient group, HKMPS (Hong Kong Mucopolysaccharidoses & Rare Genetic Diseases Mutual Aid Group), giving it a refreshed, responsive design, improving the UI/UX for enhanced user engagement, and streamlining the architecture for easier navigation.

The new landing page displaying key information and news at a glance. Also offering the option to donate with just the click of a button.
Using infographics to present the variety of rare genetic diseases to facilitate comprehension and reference.

Merry Christmas 2019!

posted by / December 23, 2019
Merry Christmas 2019!

Feature Story of Dean of CUHK Business School

posted by / October 31, 2019

We developed a feature story for the CUHK Business School entitled Prof. Kalok Chan is Ready to Pass the Baton. Our first feature story!

CUHK Business School Global Alumni Forum

posted by / July 23, 2019

One of the joys of covering events is the exposure to new concepts and great stories. Such as listening to Prof. Lawrence Lau talk about his research on China’s economic reform or what business leaders can do to navigate the challenges and opportunities in the age of uncertainty–then write about it. Thank you for the opportunity!

CUHK Human Resources Office Newsletter

posted by / May 7, 2019

We were invited by the Chinese University’s Human Resources Office to translate their Positive Workplace and Staff Development newsletter. Our first translation project for the education sector!


“We Dare to Venture” 2019

posted by / February 22, 2019

Cyberport launched a sequel to its publicity campaign, We Dare to Venture, to spotlight the entrepreneurial spirit of 10 outstanding start-ups.

And we’ve been engaged to transcreate their stories.

Happy to help promote the uplifting stories of Hong Kong’s innovators!













Merry Christmas 2018

posted by / December 24, 2018

Cyberport Annual Report 2017-18

posted by / November 21, 2018
For the second consecutive year, we were invited by Cyberport to develop the content for its Annual Report.
In addition to interviewing Cyberport’s chairman, CEO, and core teams, this year we interviewed six start-ups for their feature stories in the report.
We thank Cyberport for the opportunity and the trust. We are honored to play a part in Hong Kong’s I&T story. Read the full version here: cyberport.hk/files/annual_report/2017/Full_PDF/2017-18_Cyberport_AR_Full_PDF_ENG.pdf

IFTA Website Revamp

posted by / October 29, 2018

We were commissioned by the Institute of Financial Technologists of Asia (IFTA) to give its website–both content and layout–a face lift. (Click here for select screenshots, PDF 15.8mb)

Our copy also made it easier for Google to feature during search.

Editing for Asian Cultural Council Annual Report

posted by / October 23, 2018

We provided English editing and proofreading service to the Asian Cultural Council for its 2017-18 annual report.

English editing for HKTDC Annual Report 2017/18

posted by / October 22, 2018

We were invited to edit the “Developing Our Organisation” chapter of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council’s 2017/18 Annual Report.


eNewsletters Copywriting – Cyberport

posted by / August 4, 2018

March 2021 edition
(CyberLink Vol.150 Mar 2021)

February 2021 edition
(CyberLink Vol.149 Feb 2021)

January 2021 edition
(CyberLink Vol.148 Jan 2021)

December 2020 edition
(CyberLink Vol.147 Dec 2020)

November 2020 edition
(CyberLink Vol.146 Nov 2020)

October 2020 edition
(CyberLink Vol.145 Oct 2020)

September 2020 edition
(CyberLink Vol.144 Sep 2020)

August 2020 edition
(CyberLink Vol.143 Aug 2020)

Jul 2020 edition
(CyberLink Vol.142 Jul 2020)

June 2020 edition
(CyberLink Vol.141 Jun 2020)

May 2020 edition
(CyberLink Vol.140 May 2020)

April 2020 edition
(CyberLink Vol.139 Apr 2020)

For the April 2020 edition, we gave the style a make-over and improved the content flow. Instead of creating ledes that serve the dual purpose of being blurbs in the eDM and as ledes of the stories, we created dedicated blurbs for the eDM. This offered greater flexibility for styling the lede in each story and resulted in a smoother and more engaging flow.

March 2020 edition
(CyberLink Vol.138 Mar 2020)

February 2020 edition
(CyberLink Vol.137 Feb 2020)

January 2020 edition
(CyberLink Vol.136 Jan 2020)

December 2019 edition
(CyberLink Vol.135 Dec 2019)

November 2019 edition
(CyberLink Vol.134 Nov 2019)

October 2019 edition
(CyberLink Vol.133 Oct 2019)

September 2019 edition
(CyberLink Vol.132 Sep 2019)

August 2019 edition
(CyberLink Vol.131 Aug 2019)

July 2019 edition
(CyberLink Vol.130 Jul 2019)

June 2019 edition
(CyberLink Vol.129 Jun 2019)

May 2019 edition
(CyberLink Vol.128 May 2019)

April 2019 edition
(CyberLink Vol.127 April 2019)

March 2019 edition
(CyberLink Vol.126 March 2019)

February 2019 edition
(CyberLink Vol.125 February 2019)

January 2019 edition
(CyberLink Vol.124 January 2019)

December 2018 edition
(CyberLink Vol. 123 December 2018)

November 2018 edition
(CyberLink Vol. 122 November 2018)

October 2018 edition
(CyberLink Vol.121 October 2018)

September 2018 edition
(CyberLink Vol. 120 September 2018)

August 2018 edition
(CyberLink Vol. 119 August 2018)

July 2018 edition
(CyberLink Vol.118 July 2018)

Six-part series for the Bulletin magazine

posted by / April 16, 2018

We were commissioned by Cyberport to develop a six-part series on digital transformation for the Bulletin magazine, a trade magazine published by the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce.

April 2018 Issue (Topic: From Belt and Road to the Digital Silk Road):

Source: http://www.chamber.org.hk/FileUpload/201804101820471440/Bulletin_Apr2018.pdf#page=28

May 2018 Issue (Topic: Data as the new currency):


June 2018 Issue (Topic: Digital Transformation):

Source: http://www.chamber.org.hk/FileUpload/201806111417581782/June2018.pdf#page=50

July 2018 Issue (Topic: Cybersecurity):

Source: http://www.chamber.org.hk/FileUpload/201807101715018710/July2018.pdf#page=34

August 2018 Issue (Topic: FinTech, Blockchain, Digital Payments):


September 2018 Issue (Topic: Digital Marketing):


Chatbot of Maxim’s Caterers Ltd

posted by / February 5, 2018

Translation of chatbot content for Maxim’s Caterers.

Full version: https://maxcareer.maxims.com.hk/en/career

Merry Christmas 2017

posted by / December 24, 2017

Merry Christmas from Inkers Inc.

Cyberport Annual Report 2016-17

posted by / November 10, 2017

At Cyberport, our mission is to foster digital technology, adding value to the economy and laying a solid foundation for further social and economic development of Hong Kong. We are proud to demonstrate our commitment by establishing Cyberport as a springboard for young, passionate entrepreneurs with global ambition. We have built a robust ecosystem that connects digital technology companies with local and international investors and business partners. Our community includes technology giants like Microsoft, IBM and Lenovo, as well as start-ups such as GOGOVAN, TNG Wallet and Klook. Large and small, these companies are critical drivers of the digital technology industry and enrich our lives with innovative solutions. From Internet+ platforms to disruptive business models, our unique community provides unparalleled opportunities to collaborate, build the new economy, and drive economic value creation for Hong Kong.

For the full version, please visit: Cyberport Annual Report 2016-17

Press Release for Hong Kong FinTech Week

posted by / October 26, 2017

(Full Version: Cyberport showcases start-ups@Hong Kong FinTech Week)

Cyberport showcases start-ups@Hong Kong FinTech Week
Closer partnership with HKMA bolsters support for Hong Kong and Mainland FinTech companies

26 October 2017 – Cyberport kick-started five days of events at the Hong Kong FinTech Week, which opened on Monday (23 October) at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. FinTech Week gathers FinTech entrepreneurs, investors, innovators, regulators, and movers and shakers from around the world to explore the future of this booming industry. As the leading FinTech incubator in Hong Kong, Cyberport hosts thematic seminars and discussion panels to examine hot FinTech topics such as blockchain, cybersecurity, InsurTech, and wealth management.

Following a successful debut last year, this year’s Hong Kong FinTech Week highlights Hong Kong’s strengths as a FinTech hub, including in fundraising, incubator and accelerator programmes, as well as the city’s close ties and unparalleled opportunities with Mainland China, in the Greater Bay Area, and along the Belt and Road.

On 25 October, Cyberport also announced a closer partnership with the Hong Kong Monetary Authority to provide cross-border incubation to FinTech companies in Hong Kong and Shenzhen. Under the enriched partnership, both parties will explore the feasibility of establishing cross-border incubation facilities centre in Shenzhen. The centre will allow Hong Kong FinTech companies to access the space and business support provided by Shenzhen’s Office of Financial Development Service to facilitate their business expansion to the Mainland. At the same time, Mainland FinTech companies can use this platform to establish a foothold in Hong Kong with the support of Cyberport.

“Hong Kong FinTech is undergoing unprecedented growth this year, which has created many new opportunities that enable our start-ups and digital tech companies to grow faster and go farther,” said Herman Lam, CEO of Cyberport. “At Cyberport, aside from a surge in local and overseas start-ups, a rise in deal flows, and an increase in FinTech subdivisions, our FinTech ecosystem of more than 200 start-ups has grown in diversity and vibrancy. For example, TNG, one of Cyberport’s home-grown FinTech start-ups, recently raised US$115 million in series A funding and expanded its business to the UK market. The company now serves customers in a total of 14 markets worldwide.”

(Continue reading: Cyberport showcases start-ups@Hong Kong FinTech Week)

FinTech Pamphlet for UK Delegation

posted by / September 28, 2017

In September 2017, Cyberport organized a high-level FinTech delegation to the UK to promote Hong Kong’s FinTech prowess.

We were engaged to develop a handout to highlight Hong Kong’s FinTech developments, opportunities, and the 10 top-notch start-ups that joined the trip.

Interviews were conducted with the start-ups, which included such companies as Lattice, Privé Managers, and TNG FinTech Group.

The final product can be found here.

We also developed four of the key speeches that were delivered by Cyberport’s Chairman and CEO during the trip.

Publication of Creating Across Cultures

posted by / March 8, 2017

It’s finally out! The book, Creating Across Cultures: Women in the Arts from China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwana project that took four years to complete, is now in book stores. And it is gorgeous.

The book is a collection of profiles of 16 visionary women artists. Written by journalists and scholars with deep knowledge of the arts in Asia, and richly illustrated with images of art and historical events, the collection reveals the vibrance of women’s art in the region.

As the project manager and photo editor of the book, we worked with the editors in the US, the designer in Hong Kong, and photographers/copyright holders around the world to bring this book to life.

Praises from critics and readers have been very encouraging:

Creating Across Cultures: Women in the Arts from China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan is an indispensable resource for anyone seeking to understand the dynamism underpinning what some are calling the Chinese Century. In these portraits of sixteen extraordinary women, whose achievements in art, dance, literature, music, and theater have profoundly shaped contemporary aesthetic, cultural, and social discourses, we glimpse worlds upon worlds, any one of which may change the very ways in which we make meaning of our time on earth. This is a treasure.

Christopher Merrill, director of the International Writing Program at the University of Iowa and author of Self-Portrait with Dogwood

Is there ‘something unexplained about women that only a woman can explain’ (to rephrase Georgia O’Keeffe’s statement into a question)? Under its chief editor, also a woman—Michelle Vosper, who was Director of the Hong Kong Arts Program at the Asian Cultural Council for 25 years—Creating Across Cultures explains it vividly and movingly. I find the life stories of these artists as fascinating as their ebullient creations. In particular, Vosper has done a most remarkable and touching portrait of the source of inspiration for them all—the inimitable Nieh Hualing.

Leo Ou-fan Lee, The Sin Wai Kin Professor of Chinese Culture at The Chinese University of Hong Kong and author of Shanghai Modern: The Flowering of a New Urban Culture in China, 1930–1945

Product Details:

Editor: Michelle Vosper
Publisher: Muse (East Slope Publishing Limited)
Hardback, 360 Pages, English
Publication date: February 2017
ISBN: 978-988-160-470-5

Website Copywriting for Fast Gourmet

posted by / February 2, 2017

When Vivienne founded Fast Gourmet, a company that offers gourmet sous vide meals, she invited us to develop the copy for the company’s website.

Fast Gourmet lets people have a nutritious sous vide meal anytime they want by taking the lengthiest process of sous vide cooking out of the equation. Customers can order the food online and schedule delivery, and simply reheat the food or add their own touches when they are ready to eat. Perfection is guaranteed, and people can spend more time enjoying food and company and not fret about cooking. So Vivienne and her team sought professional chefs who shared their passion and formed Fast Gourmet to share their sous vide dining concept with Hong Kong’s health-conscious food lovers.

All our meats are perfectly seasoned and meticulously cooked in their natural juices. Get ready for soul-satisfying succulence, tenderness and flavour.

Smooth, fresh and nourishing, our soups are an alchemy of natural ingredients, flavours and nutrients, finely concocted without overheating or undue evaporation.


Round off an exceptional meal with these lovingly made desserts. Treat yourself to luscious, wine-infused fruits slow cooked to perfection or try our home-made ice cream sandwiched between crunchy macaron shells.

Fast Gourmet website: www.fastgourmet.com.hk

Live Tweeting

posted by / November 3, 2016

We’ve been invited by Cyberport to live tweet many events it hosted or co-organized, including the prestigious RISE Conference and Internet Economy Summit.

Our job: To engage people who can’t be there in person.

In addition to capturing inspiring quotes, key ideas, findings, and insights, we strategically hashtagged the tweets to reach people beyond the usual followers.


Editing and Translation of Cyberport Annual Report 2015-16

posted by / September 13, 2016

We were invited to copyedit the English version of Cyberport’s 2015-16 Annual Report and translate it into Chinese.

We firmly believe in Hong Kong’s digital future and are honored to be able to contribute to the movement.

HKUST Letter to Prospective Students

posted by / June 28, 2016

A thoroughly fun project. We were asked to develop a spy themed letter to congratulate DSE students on finishing their exams and invite them to continue their academic pursuits at HKUST. Design by Malogic.

Dear Student,




Our intelligence has identified you as one of the few operatives capable of infiltrating HKUST to extract valuable information. We have been impressed by your academic and extracurricular achievements and trust you would make a fine agent.


Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to hack into HKUST to obtain advanced academic knowledge. You will assume the role of a high-flying young adult joining HKUST.


You will gain access to the University’s state-of-the-art facilities, where you will penetrate diverse student and faculty cells, capture scholastic stimulation and gain intellectual advancement by eavesdropping on lectures and seminars. We will arrange a safe house for you within the coastal campus. And you can anticipate overseas assignments.


You are creative, resourceful, enthusiastic about the future, and eager to explore. You chose HKUST because it is where you will be able to realize your full potential.


Please ensure all communication is safe and secure. I look forward to our rendezvous at HKUST.


Good luck.

HKUST Prospective Students Invitation Letter

Copywriting for Madera Hotels, Residences, Group

posted by / March 3, 2016

In addition to writing the copy for Madera Hollywood, we revamped the copy for three more Madera websites: Hotel Madera Hong KongMadera Residences, and Madera Group.

At the top-floor Madera Penthouses, indulge in the best of life with spectacular city views that sprawl out under your feet. Bask in the warm sunlight that enters the 73 to 79 sq. m. duplex through expansive French windows, casting soothing hues on wooden walls, minimalist design, and the elegant spiral staircase. When you have enjoyed your time downstairs, go upstairs to rest, or relax in the bath for a sense of tranquility.
特選複式套房 28樓至29樓
Relax and unwind with friends at our panoramic rooftop bar, presenting a 270-degree expansive view of the city. As night falls and Hong Kong’s iconic Victoria Harbour is illuminated, we dare you not to be enraptured in its grace.

Copywriting for Madera Hollywood

posted by / March 3, 2016

When Hip Shing Hong (Holdings) Co. Ltd. launched the Madera Hollywood hotel, the company invited us to create the copy for the hotel’s website.

The hotel was designed in the Hollywood Regency style, a decor reminiscent of the time when Monroe, Chaplin, Hepburn and Cosby reigned.

Our copy was designed to place visitors in that very setting and capture the glamor of Hollywood’s golden days.

There’s no business like show business, and what better place to live this mantra than in our Monroe Suite. Showcasing neoclassical furniture, lush appointments, vivacious tones, and bold patterns, the suite recalls a time of glitz, glamour, and sophistication. Furnished with Monroe memorabilia and top class amenities worthy of the best, hark back to an era where everything the stars touched turned into gold.
Hollywood’s golden age is captured in this top-floor Chaplin Suite, adorned with neoclassical Hollywood Regency styled furniture, bright colors and striking patterns from floor to ceiling. Tastefully decorated with Chaplin memorabilia and decked out with top-of-the-line amenities such as a 55” curved UHD TV, the Chaplin Suite is perfect for those seeking a sprinkle of stardust. Relive the heyday of Hollywood with a loving tribute to the age and the finest luxuries.


面積54平方米的豪華套房,融入新古典風格裝飾和布置,空間瀰漫一股經典荷里活的瑰麗氛圍,唯美主義者會一眼戀上這個憩息之地,加上居高臨下,盡覽卑利街一帶的地貌,可輕鬆展開探索香港的旅程。房間內有特大浴室,並配備品牌沐浴用品,其他房間設施包括Sony 55吋液晶電視和智能房間控制系統。

Ghostwriting – For Cyberport CEO, Herman Lam

posted by / November 3, 2014

Ghostwriting for Cyberport CEO, Herman Lam. Contributed a piece entitled “What Hong Kong can offer British Start-ups” in the London Matters magazine (http://www.londonbusinessmatters.co.uk/archive/2014-11/mobile/index.html#p=49)

Advertorial of Grohe Shower System

posted by / September 12, 2012

Ah, that feeling. Stepping into the shower of your hotel room in Thailand, walking into a rainshower in the comfort and seclusion of your vacation home, letting that stream of water drench your body, washing over your head, shoulders, down to your toes. Refreshing. Liberating. Soul cleansing. And you think to yourself, I really can do this everyday.


Though you may not have thought it possible, installing a shower system at home to enjoy such ethereal enjoyment is actually elegantly easy. It doesn’t matter what your bathroom’s configuration is or what combination of features you want, there are now shower systems that suit your needs affordably and perfectly. And no one does it better than Grohe.


Feels like it’s tailored for your bathroom


People often ask, what do I need to do to install a shower system? Do I need new piping, do I need a new faucet, do I need new holes on my walls? None of that is necessary. Because Grohe’s shower systems boast unrivalled installation flexibility. Most of them can be installed over your existing fittings too. You can keep things simple with just a diverter shower system as an extension to your existing faucet. Grohe’s innovative, 180-degrees swiveling headshower arm of varying lengths allow you to place and direct the headshower just about anywhere you want it. So you can install the shower system to the front, to the side, or even at a corner of your showering area.


Or, if you prefer taking enjoyment to the next level and style-up your bathroom, you’ll find their mixer-type shower systems simply irresistible. Especially their thermostatic ones. Equipped with the GROHE TurboStat® technology, Grohe’s thermostatic mixers intelligently steadies water temperature so quickly you won’t even notice it, and you’ll get to enjoy an undisturbed and safe showering experience in bliss. Installation is easy too. No matter the shower system is the single-lever mixer type, thermostatic shower mixer type, or thermostatic bath mixer type, all are standards installations. No extra plumbing work will be needed.


You can have it more ways than one. In style, and technology.


A fine showering experience is all about whole body enjoyment, and that’s what shower systems are good at delivering. While the headshower drenches you from head to toe, a handshower with multiple spray patterns can add exhilaration where you want it. And let the side jets massage your back after a stressful day. If you’re a tub person, you can also have the best of both worlds with a shower system with a bath mixer.


All these are available from Grohe’s extensive range of products. And they really have a lot to offer. Do you prefer a round shower head, an oval one, or a squared one? How big do you want it to be, is 160mm wide enough for you or is 400mm more your size? And how about the shower’s design and spray patterns? Fancy the all-in-one Rainshower® Systems with its soothing side jets – unique to the Grohe shower system family – or the luscious GROHE Power&SoulTM shower system, with its thermostatic shower or bath mixer, tantalizing GROHE Bokoma SprayTM massage, and the One-Click Showering feature that delivers the ultimate showering enjoyment at the touch of a button? There’s plenty available in Grohe’s repertoire, And in their award-winning, cool, contemporary designs. For you to pamper yourself and your loved ones lucky to share your shower.


All Grohe showers come with their renowned, patented, state-of-the-art technologies. GROHE EcoJoy® allows you to save water up to 40% without compromising your shower enjoyment. You’ll be helping the environment while your shower takes you out of this world. GROHE DreamSpray® ensures that every nozzle delivers the same amount of water, unlike many in the market where your full enjoyment comes at the mercy of how you hold the shower. GROHE CoolTouch® makes sure that the shower and the faucet are never too hot for you to touch, allowing you to immerse completely in relaxation with the peace of mind. And GROHE StarLight® keeps your shower looking new years after you first own it.


With all that’s available, that refreshing, liberating, and soul cleansing sensation has never been so close to home.


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